
Brief is the Law Society’s flagship bi-monthly journal and has been a valuable source of up-to-date information since 1974. With six issues published annually in digital format Brief is the ideal way for members to keep on top of important developments on state, national and international legal affairs.

Journal articles are written by prominent figures from within and external to the legal profession. Articles focus on legislative changes, law reform, latest decisions and extends beyond substantive law content to provide interesting insights on health and wellbeing, technology, global changes, special features on lawyers, upcoming social events and CPD seminars.

The Brief Editorial Committee invites article submissions from members and non-members for consideration. For example, case notes, legal articles or items of interest to the profession are all welcome submissions.

Practitioners in Western Australia can earn up to five CPD units per CPD year by writing a legal article and having it published in Brief. CPD units are awarded for the month in which the article is published. The amount of CPD units practitioners can earn as a Brief author can be found in the Legal Practice Board CPD & Uniform Law guidelines and the Legal Profession Uniform Legal Practice (Solicitors) Rules 2015. For further information on what constitutes a valid CPD-approved legal article, contact the Legal Practice Board on (08) 6211 3600.

To submit material for Brief, please send it via email.

Brief is the Law Society’s flagship bi-monthly journal and has been a valuable source of up-to-date information since 1974. With six issues published annually in digital format Brief is the ideal way for members to keep on top of important developments on state, national and international legal affairs. In 2024, Brief celebrated 50 years of continuous publication and readership.

Journal articles are written by prominent figures from within and external to the legal profession. Articles focus on legislative changes, law reform, latest decisions and extends beyond substantive law content to provide interesting insights on health and wellbeing, technology, global changes, special features on lawyers, upcoming social events and CPD seminars.

Current Edition of Brief

Featured Articles in this Edition:

  • Wrap of the 2024 Gala Dinner and Annual Awards Evening for the Legal Profession
  • The Jury Barrel and the Evolution of Juries in European and English Law
  • Is your Business using AI?  What you need to know about the proposed changes to Privacy Laws in Australia
Members of the Law Society can read the latest edition by logging in to the MyPage Portal. If you’re not a member join here and access Brief digital magazine, Friday Facts, CPD News and much more.

Archived Articles of Brief

Read some of our popular articles published in previous editions of Brief:

  • Forced Marriage in Western Australia – February 2024

Associate Professor Fiona McGaghey, University of Western Australia Law School examines the results of a 2023 pilot project on tackling forced marriage in Western Australia. Read more

  • Tackling the Increase of Reportable Deaths in the Coronial Jurisdiction of Western Australia – April 2024

Dr Jodi White, Consultant Forensic Pathologist, Forensic Pathology and State Mortuary Service and Principal Registrar Kelly Niclair, Coroner’s Court of Western Australia discuss the coronial jurisdiction, process and addressing the backlog of coronial cases. Read more

  • Rethinking Long-Term Contracts – June 2024

Mal Cooke, Director of Neometric and Law Society member details why long-term contracts are notoriously challenging, including considering the intended duration of interdependence. To read the full article login to the MyPage Member Portal

  • New Adjudication Act Fails its First Reviews – October 2024

Graham Morrow, Lawyer and Adjudicator, outlines the first two judicial decisions considering the Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2021 (WA) (SoPA). To read the full article login to the MyPage Member Portal

Not a member?
Join the Law Society here to access all editions of Brief.

Past Editions of Brief

Advertise in Brief


Brief has a circulation of 4,500+ and is sent to all Law Society Members and other subscribers, affiliated organisations, universities and law libraries.

The articles stay relevant and are accessed beyond dates of publication as they are a go-to trusted resource. In addition, Brief retains a long shelf life being a digital resource.

For advertising rates and deadlines, please click here to download our 2024/25 Media Kit.

For your Brief advertising enquiries or bookings contact:

Maryka Mensink
Manager Events & Business Development
(08) 9324 8638

Contributors in Brief

Want to be a contributor?

You can submit case notes, legal articles or items of interest to the profession for consideration by the Committee.

You could earn up to five CPD units per CPD year by having your articles published in Brief.* 

For more information or to express interest in contributing to Brief please email

* CPD units are awarded for the month in which the article is published. The amount of CPD units practitioners can earn as a Brief author can be found on the Legal Practice Board of Western Australia’s website here.

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Telephone Number
Law Society of Western Australia Reception
(08) 9324 8600
Law Mutual
(08) 9481 3111
Continuing Professional Development
(08) 9324 8640
Membership Services
(08) 9324 8692
Professional Standards Scheme
(08) 9324 8653
Old Court House Law Museum
(08) 9324 8688
Francis Burt Law Education Programme
(08) 9324 8686
Media Enquiries
(08) 9324 8650