Ethics & Professional Conduct

The Australian Solicitors Conduct Rules

The Australian Solicitors Conduct Rules (ASCR) are a collaboration by the State and Territory law societies and other constituent professional bodies of the Law Council of Australia (Law Council) on an agreed set of professional conduct rules for solicitors in Australia.  The current version of the ASCR developed by the Law Council is here.

Following the introduction of the ASCR in 2011 the Law Council prepared and published a Commentary for the legal practitioners intended to provide additional information and guidance in understanding how particular Rules might apply in some situations. A copy of the current Law Council Commentary is available here.

The Ethical Guidance Panel

The Ethical Guidance Panel (Panel) provides practitioners with access to experienced colleagues. Members of the Panel have indicated their willingness to be available to discuss professional conduct and ethical issues. All discussions are conducted on a confidential basis.

More information about the Ethical Guidance panel is available here.

Summary of Ethical Principles

Ethics are the moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour. For legal practitioners, ethics take on an added level of importance. Alongside rules of professional conduct and the common law, ethical values act as a guide to proper behaviour for lawyers.

Legal practitioners are subject to high ethical standards due to the prominent position they hold in the administration of justice. For this reason, and to maintain the reputation of the profession, lawyers must always act in a highly ethical manner.

We acknowledge the role of our profession in serving our community and in the administration of justice. We recognise that the law should protect the rights and freedoms of members of society. We understand that we are responsible to our community to observe high standards of conduct and behaviour when we perform our duties to the courts, our clients and our fellow practitioners.

Our conduct and behaviour should reflect the character we aspire to have as professionals.  This means that as individuals engaged in the profession and as a profession we:

  1. primarily serve the interests of justice.
  2. act competently and diligently in the service of our clients.
  3. advance our client’s interests above our own.
  4. act confidentially and in the protection of all client information.
  5. act together for the mutual benefit of our profession.
  6. avoid any conflict of interest and duties.
  7. observe strictly our duty to the Court of which we are officers to ensure the proper and efficient administration of justice.
  8. seek to maintain the highest standards of integrity, honesty and fairness in all our dealings.
  9. charge fairly for our work.
  10. observe faithfully our Code of Ethical Conduct.


This Summary of Ethical Principles has been adopted from the Law Society of New South Wales ‘Statement of Ethics’. The Law Society of New South Wales is thanked for allowing its adoption by the Law Society.

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