About Us

The Law Society of Western Australia is the peak professional association for lawyers in Western Australia. It is dedicated to the representation of its members and to the enhancement of the legal profession through its many services. It is a respected leader and influential contributor to law reform, access to justice, community services and education programmes and continuing professional development. The Law Society acts as the voice of the legal profession in Western Australia. Part of this role includes advocating on behalf of members and in the interests of the wider profession.

The Law Society is proactive in its engagement with key stakeholders on important issues. Through its committee structure, Council and Executive, the Law Society facilitates rational analysis and adopts sensible policy positions. The Law Society’s views are articulated through the regular output of submissions to government and other organisations.

Our Council offers strong, representative and collaborative governance. Priorities are aligned across the organisation with resources allocated to areas of greatest need. Members are highly engaged through work on committees and working groups.

The Law Society Council and Executive meet regularly throughout the year. To coincide with its Annual General Meeting, the Law Society produces an annual report, which outlines the achievements of the past financial year.

The Council operates in accordance with the Council Bylaws and the Law Society’s Constitution.

Law Mutual (WA)

The Law Society is trustee of the Law Mutual Fund which is operated under the business name “Law Mutual (WA)”.

Under Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2022 the Law Society of Western Australia is required to make professional indemnity insurance arrangements for practitioners and former practitioners. Under the Legal Profession Uniform Law Regulations 2022, the Law Society of Western Australia is required to enter into arrangements with one or more insurers for professional indemnity insurance for practitioners and former practitioners.

The Law Society is not licensed under the Corporations Act in relation to the operation of the scheme, which is referred to as the Law Mutual insurance arrangements, and the scheme is not regulated under the Insurance Act 1973.

Law Access Ltd

The Law Society is sole member and founder of Law Access Ltd

Law Access matches applications for legal help from vulnerable and financially disadvantaged members of the community to lawyers and legal firms willing to provide their services free of charge.

The service is targeted at not-for-profits and individuals in genuine need of legal assistance who satisfy a means and merits test and is the last resort for those who cannot get legal assistance from community legal centres or legal aid.

Website Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy & Collection Notice

To view website Terms and Conditions please click here.

To view the Law Society and Law Mutual (WA) Privacy Policies (in compliance with National Privacy Principle number 5) please click here.

To view the Law Society Privacy Act Collection Notice please click here.

To view the Law Mutual (WA) Privacy Act Collection Notice please click here.

The Law Society welcomes your feedback about its services

The Law Society is always looking for ways to improve the services we provide. One of the best ways to do this is to listen to feedback provided by our members and other stakeholders. We recognise that one of the ways we receive that feedback is through complaints. To formalise that process and, indeed, to encourage meaningful complaints, the Law Society has adopted a Complaints Handling Policy and Procedure (Procedure) which can be found here.

The Procedure provides information on how to make a complaint and the process we will follow to resolve it.

As and when appropriate, the Law Society will review and use the information gathered from complaints to improve its services.

Interested in becoming a member?

Telephone Number
Law Society of Western Australia Reception
(08) 9324 8600
Law Mutual
(08) 9481 3111
Continuing Professional Development
(08) 9324 8640
Membership Services
(08) 9324 8692
Professional Standards Scheme
(08) 9324 8653
Old Court House Law Museum
(08) 9324 8688
Francis Burt Law Education Programme
(08) 9324 8686
Media Enquiries
(08) 9324 8650