The Law Society is committed to supporting lawyers and fostering a legal profession that has a strong foundation of positive health and well-being.
If you are in distress, you can seek help immediately by calling Lifeline on 13 11 14.
Being Well in the Law: a guide for lawyers
This guide has been prepared as a toolkit to help lawyers be well in the law. Experts from the Australian National University (ANU), the University of Sydney and the Law Society of New South Wales have collaborated to equip you with information and practical skills that will be invaluable in practice.
2021-2025 Mental Health and Wellbeing Plan
The Law Society’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Committee was formed in 2011. The Committee focusses on the need for education in the profession on mental health and wellbeing topics.
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Committee has developed a Mental Health and Wellbeing Plan to support the Law Society’s advocacy for mental health and wellbeing in the profession.
More information about the Mental Health and Wellbeing Committee is available on the Law Society website.
Other Resources
Ethical Guidance Panel
The Ethical Guidance Panel (Panel) provides practitioners with access to experienced colleagues. Members of the Panel have indicated their willingness to be available to discuss professional conduct and ethical issues. All discussions are conducted on a confidential basis.
Speak Safely
If you have experienced or witnessed harassment, discrimination or bullying by a lawyer or someone in a legal setting, but do not want to make a formal complaint, you can contact the Legal Practice Board informally and anonymously:
- submit a report using the online reporting tool Speak Safely
- call us on (08) 6211 3600 and ask to talk to a member of the Speak Safely Team
- email
Law Council of Australia’s mental health and wellbeing portal
The Law Council of Australia’s mental health and wellbeing portal is an initiative designed to provide a centralised source of information about mental health for the legal profession.
National Relay Service
This service can assist people who find it difficult to hear or speak. Visit for further information about this service.
Translating and Interpreting Service
This service can assist you to communicate in a language other than English. Call 131 450 or visit for further information about this service.