Locum Register

The Locum register is a Law Society member service connecting law practices with lawyers available for locum or temporary work. This helps keep law practices operational when employers wish to take a break, professional staff are on leave or at particularly busy times when extra help is needed. For further information please read the Locum Register fact sheet.

Click below to access the Locum Register.

To register your services on the Locum Register, complete the form below. The form will be reviewed by the Law Society Membership team for eligibility before being added to the register.

To register your services on the Locum Register, complete the form below. The form will be reviewed by the Law Society Membership team for eligibility before being added to the register.

Interested in becoming a member?

Telephone Number
Law Society of Western Australia Reception
(08) 9324 8600
Law Mutual
(08) 9481 3111
Continuing Professional Development
(08) 9324 8640
Membership Services
(08) 9324 8692
Professional Standards Scheme
(08) 9324 8653
Old Court House Law Museum
(08) 9324 8688
Francis Burt Law Education Programme
(08) 9324 8686
Media Enquiries
(08) 9324 8650