Russell Daily
David Davidson
Libby Fulham
Angie Gimisis (Council Ex-officio)
Jocelyn Lee
Professor Sharon Mascher
Katherine Swann (YLC Representative)
Julia Wedlock
Danielle Wilson
Melissa Wishart (Ex-officio)
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Committee was formed in 2011 having been an ad hoc committee on Psychological Distress and Depression in the Legal Profession and Bullying.
The Committee focuses on the need for education in the profession on health and wellbeing topics.
The Committee is proactive in advocating the use and access of the Law Society’s LawCare WA programme and monitors the use of the Member Assistance Programme (counselling service).
The Committee also advocates the need to self-disclose mental illness when running a practice in the event that the practitioner is struggling to cope.
For more information about this committee, please refer to the Committee’s Terms of Reference or email
We acknowledge the Nyoongar people as the original custodians of this land.
The Law Society of Western Australia is a constituent body of the Law Council of Australia.
ABN # 41 434 516 549
Area | Telephone Number |
Law Society of Western Australia Reception | (08) 9324 8600 |
Law Mutual | (08) 9481 3111 |
Continuing Professional Development | (08) 9324 8640 |
Membership Services | (08) 9324 8692 |
Professional Standards Scheme | (08) 9324 8653 |
Old Court House Law Museum | (08) 9324 8688 |
Francis Burt Law Education Programme | (08) 9324 8686 |
Media Enquiries | (08) 9324 8650 |