

Country Counsel Podcast Series

The Law Society of Western Australia is shining a spotlight on the work of lawyers who practice in regional WA.

In our new podcast series, Country Counsel, you’ll hear about the challenges and benefits of regional life from lawyers practising across our vast State.

From the Kimberley to the Great Southern, they share their experiences in transitioning from city life – and the importance of maintaining support networks and connections.

Of course, there are local characters, with whom they live and work. What is it like to live in a community where you can bump into clients, and even the local magistrate, at the pub or the shops – and how do you navigate conflict?

What happens when a client stands outside your beach shower and asks for a lift home?

And does swimming near crocodiles ever get easier?

The Law Society sincerely thanks the regional lawyers who have given up their time to speak to us, to help you garner a better understanding of regional practice.

The first season of Country Counsel is available for a short time only.

Look out for more podcasts, as the Law Society continues as a central point for connections across the legal profession, keeping members and the community informed.

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