The Law Society welcomes appointment of Justice Joseph McGrath to Aged Care Royal Commission

The Law Society welcomes appointment of Justice Joseph McGrath to Aged Care Royal Commission

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

The Law Society of Western Australia welcomes the announcement today by the Federal Government that the Hon Justice Joseph McGrath has been appointed to lead the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

Law Society President Hayley Cormann said, “On behalf of the Law Society and its members, I congratulate Justice McGrath on his appointment to the Royal Commission. Justice McGrath’s role over the coming months is a very important one, as the Royal Commission seeks to ascertain the extent to which the aged care sector has been affected by serious problems, and what can be done to improve the situation.”

“This appointment confirms the respect with which the Western Australian judiciary and profession as a whole are regarded throughout the nation and at the highest levels of government,” Ms Cormann said.

Justice McGrath has been appointed alongside Lynelle Briggs AO, former Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia.

Justice McGrath has been a member of the Law Society since commencing legal practice in 1991. His Honour is a former Deputy Convenor of the Law Society’s Continuing Professional Development – General and Commercial Litigation Committee, and a former member of the Law Society’s Ethics and Brief Editorial Committees.

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For comment please contact:

Andrew MacNiven
Senior Media and Communications Officer
(08) 9324 8634

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