Friday, 5 April 2019
The Law Society of Western Australia congratulates Ben Gauntlett, following his appointment as Disability Discrimination Commissioner.
The Law Society understands that Mr Gauntlett will commence in the role from 7 May 2019.
Law Society President Greg McIntyre SC said, “On behalf of the WA legal profession and members of the Law Society, I congratulate Mr Gauntlett on his appointment.
“Mr Gauntlett has been a valued member of the Law Society since 2003. He possesses a wealth of legal experience, practising as a barrister from Francis Burt Chambers in a wide range of areas including commercial law, personal injuries and white collar crime. He is an excellent choice as Disability Discrimination Commissioner, and I am certain that he will carry out this important role with assuredness and skill.”
The Law Society is committed to promoting diversity, equality, respect and inclusion consistent with the principles of justice, integrity, equity and the pursuit of excellence upon which the profession is founded. The Law Society is a signatory to the Law Council of Australia’s Diversity and Equality Charter, which commits it to supporting a fair profession, accommodating and respecting a diverse range of individuals and views, and rejecting all forms of discrimination.
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For comment please contact:
Andrew MacNiven
Senior Media and Communications Coordinator
(08) 9324 8634
The Law Society of Western Australia is the peak professional association for lawyers in the State. The Society is a not-for-profit association dedicated to the representation of its more than 4,000 members. The Society enhances the legal profession through its position as a respected leader and contributor on law reform, access to justice and the rule of law. The Society is widely acknowledged by the legal profession, government and the community as the voice of the legal profession in Western Australia.