Tuesday, 5 July 2022
In accordance with Rule 40 of the Law Society of Western Australia Inc Constitution, notice is hereby given that a General Meeting (GM) will be held on Thursday, 14 July 2022 at 5.15pm at Level 5, 160 St Georges Terrace, Perth.
The Constitution (Constitution) of the Law Society of Western Australia Inc. (Society) presently provides that the Council of the Society consists of, inter alia, twelve ordinary members (Rules 55(c)).
It is proposed to alter the Constitution by a special resolution to change the number of persons who comprise the Council by reducing the number of ordinary members on the Council from twelve to nine, with that alteration to take effect for the purpose of the Council elections in 2022.
The proposed special resolution is:
The members of the Law Society of Western Australia Inc. (Society) resolve that the Constitution of the Society be altered by replacing the word “twelve” with the word “nine” in Rule 55(c).
Click here to access the GM Agenda.
Attendance and Voting
All members of the Society are entitled to attend the GM and Ordinary Members and Life Members of the Society are entitled to vote at the GM.
Pursuant to Rule 45 of the Constitution, if a member expects that at the time a general meeting is to be held the member will be outside a radius of 50 kilometres of the place at which the meeting is to be held, then the member may appoint the Chairperson as the member’s proxy for that meeting. A notice appointing a proxy must be in writing, must be issued and validated by the Chief Executive Officer of the Society or any person appointed by the Chief Executive Officer for that purpose and must be in the prescribed form. To request an Appointment of Proxy Form, please email Sue Langmair at slangmair@lawsocietywa.asn.au or call (08) 9324 8605.
This Notice must be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer of the Society at least 48 hours before the time at which the meeting for which this proxy is given is scheduled to start.
David Price
Chief Executive Officer