Thursday, 29 June 2017
The Law Society of Western Australia welcomes the announcement by the State Government today that funding will be restored to the Employment Law Centre of WA.
The State Government has announced that $990,000, or $330,000 a year, will be provided to the central business district office in the next three financial years.
“The Law Society is delighted that the State Government has committed to restoring funding to the Employment Law Centre,” said Law Society President Alain Musikanth.
“In May 2015, the Law Society expressed its concern that Budget measures by the then-State Government had included the non-renewal of funding for the Employment Law Centre. It is pleasing to now receive confirmation that funding for the Employment Law Centre will be restored at least for the next three financial years.
“Most importantly, this is great news for the clients of the Employment Law Centre, who include vulnerable and low-paid workers, young and older workers, people with a disability, migrant workers and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers.
“The Employment Law Centre plays an important role in advising its clients in matters such as dismissal, discrimination and workplace bullying. The Law Society is delighted that the Employment Law Centre can now get on with its work without fear of losing funding,” Mr Musikanth said.
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For comment please contact:
Andrew MacNiven
Media and Communications Officer
(08) 9324 8634