Law Society Welcomes Amendment to WA Redress Legislation

Law Society Welcomes Amendment to WA Redress Legislation

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

The Law Society of Western Australia welcomes the decision by the State Government to agree to incorporate amendments proposed by the WA Opposition to Western Australia’s National Redress Scheme legislation.

The Bill as previously drafted would have barred survivors of child sexual abuse from applying for criminal injuries compensation, if they had already received a redress payment.

The Law Society last week expressed its support for the proposed amendments on the grounds of uniformity and fairness.

“The Law Society commends the State Government and Opposition for coming to an agreement to incorporate this amendment to the legislation,” said Law Society President Hayley Cormann.

“The amendment will ensure survivors of child sexual abuse retain their existing statutory right to claim criminal injuries compensation for losses suffered. The Bill as previously drafted would have resulted in Western Australia standing alone as the only State in which an applicant would be unable to receive criminal injuries compensation if they accept a redress payment.  The Law Society welcomes the amendment, which will help create a nationally consistent redress scheme, which the Law Society has always supported,” Ms Cormann said.

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For comment please contact:

Andrew MacNiven
Senior Media and Communications Officer
(08) 9324 8634

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