Wednesday, 21 June 2017
The Law Society of Western Australia congratulates the Hon Robert French AC on his appointment as Chancellor of The University of Western Australia.
“The Law Society was delighted to learn of the Hon Robert French AC’s appointment as UWA Chancellor,” said Law Society President Alain Musikanth. “He has had a significant influence both on the legal profession in Western Australia and nationwide, and is a tremendous role model for any practising or aspiring lawyer. I have no doubt that his wealth of experience and skills developed over many decades will make him well suited to this respected office.”
The Hon Robert French AC was appointed Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia in September 2008. At the time of his appointment he was a judge of the Federal Court of Australia, having been appointed to that office in November 1986. He retired as Chief Justice in early 2017.
The Hon Robert French AC joined the Law Society in 1972, is a Life Member of the Society and a former member of its Council. He is also known for his work on behalf of Indigenous Australians, having chaired the Justice Committee of the New Era Aboriginal Fellowship in the early 1970s and the Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia from 1973 to 1975.
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For comment please contact:
Andrew MacNiven
Media and Communications Officer
(08) 9324 8634
About us: The Law Society of Western Australia is the peak professional association for lawyers in the State. The Society is a not-for-profit association dedicated to the representation of its more than 3800 members. The Society enhances the legal profession through its position as a respected leader and contributor on law reform, access to justice and the rule of law. The Society is widely acknowledged by the legal profession, government and the community as the voice of the legal profession in Western Australia.