Law Library at the David Malcolm Justice Centre

Law Library at the David Malcolm Justice Centre

From 1 July 2016, the Law Library at the Supreme Court will close its doors and the Department of the Attorney General will provide library services to legal practitioners at the Law Library at the David Malcolm Justice Centre.

Legal practitioners (and other persons doing research on behalf of legal practitioners) can access the Law Library by going to Level 23 of the David Malcolm Justice Centre and providing identification. They will then be given access to the Law Library (located on Level 2).

The Law Library’s opening hours will be 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday and services will include:
• access to a browsing collection, with loans (other than loose leaf services) to take to court only;
• reference desk services;
• access to electronic databases at the Law Library (including LexisNexis, Westlaw and CCH) will be available from 14 July 2016;
• photocopying and printing; and
• document delivery.

Fees will apply for photocopying, printing and document delivery.

It is anticipated that the Law Library catalogue will be available on the Department of Attorney General website from September 2016. Until then, please contact the Law Library by email or telephone with any queries regarding the catalogue.

The Law Library’s contact details are:
The Law Library Department of the Attorney General David Malcolm Justice Centre
Level 2, 28 Barrack St
Perth WA 6000
Telephone: 08 9264 1498

Telephone Number
Law Society of Western Australia Reception
(08) 9324 8600
Law Mutual
(08) 9481 3111
Continuing Professional Development
(08) 9324 8640
Membership Services
(08) 9324 8692
Professional Standards Scheme
(08) 9324 8653
Old Court House Law Museum
(08) 9324 8688
Francis Burt Law Education Programme
(08) 9324 8686
Media Enquiries
(08) 9324 8650