Law Council welcomes appointments to the Federal Courts and the AAT

Law Council welcomes appointments to the Federal Courts and the AAT

The announcement by the Attorney-General of appointees to the Federal Court, Family Court and Federal Circuit Court will ensure that some of Australia’s busiest courts will continue to benefit from a wealth of experience, knowledge and expertise.

The Government has today announced:

  • Federal Court: Mr Stephen Burley SC (commencing in the Sydney registry on 23 May).
  • Family Court: Mr Shane Gill (commencing in the Canberra registry on 16 May).
  • Federal Circuit Court: Mr Alister McNab (commencing in the Melbourne registry on 18 May).
  • Federal Circuit Court: Ms Brana Obradovic (commencing in the Parramatta registry on 30 May).


In congratulating and welcoming the appointees, the President of the Law Council of Australia, Stuart Clark AM, said the amount of experience and expertise among the appointees is considerable.

“We welcome these appointments and are confident that they will build on the strong legacies of those they have replaced,” Mr Clark said.

Mr Clark also noted that a number have a close association with Law Council’s specialist sections.

“Mr Stephen Burley SC is a member of the Intellectual Property Committee of the Law Council’s Business Law Section.

“He has practiced at the Bar for over two decades and appointed Senior Council in 2007.

“Shane Gill currently serves as a Director of the Law Council, President of the ACT Bar Association and a Director of the Australian Bar Association.

“Mr Gill has also served as a member of the Law Council’s Family Law Section. He has had a strong involvement with legal aid, working in the Criminal Law and Family Law Sections of ACT Legal Aid Commission.

“Alister McNab has almost three decades experience as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria,” Mr Clark added.

Mr Clark said that Brana Obradovic has been practicing at the Bar since 1998.

“She has also lectured at the Western Sydney University for eight years.”

The Law Council further welcomed the 76 reappointments and appointments to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

“The Law Council welcomes these appointments which will go some way to address the extraordinary case load carried by these courts and the tribunal,” Mr Clark said.

Mr Clark also welcomed the nomination of Professor Chester Brown for election to the International Law Commission.


Patrick Pantano: Public Affairs                                                                        Anil Lambert: Media

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