Applications for the 2025 John Koowarta Reconciliation Law Scholarship are now open

Applications for the 2025 John Koowarta Reconciliation Law Scholarship are now open

Are you a high academic achiever?

The John Koowarta Scholarship can help with your legal education. The Law Council is calling for applications for the 2025 Scholarship round.

The John Koowarta Reconciliation Law Scholarship was established in 1994, with the aim of promoting the study and practice of the law by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It commemorates Mr John Koowarta, a member of the Winychanam community at Aurukun and a traditional owner of the Archer River region on Cape York Peninsula in Queensland. Mr Koowarta is widely regarded as being at the forefront of Aboriginal land rights in Australia during the late 1970s and early 1980s. He is today revered as one of the most important figures in the progression of Native Title rights for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The Scholarship is available to penultimate and final year Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander law students enrolled in an Australian tertiary institution undertaking an approved course of study that may lead to admission as a legal practitioner in any Australian jurisdiction.

Scholarships will be awarded by the Law Council Executive, on the recommendation of a selection committee with members from the Law Council’s Indigenous Legal Issues Committee. The successful applicant will receive $9000 for the 2025 academic year, and will also be offered the opportunity to receive mentorship from individuals or organisations within the legal profession.

Applications close on 16 September 2024. Apply Now!

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