Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Nominations for election to the 2021 Law Society Council closed on Wednesday, 14 October.
Congratulations once again to Jocelyne Boujos who was declared to be elected as President on the 2021 Council.
Voting for the remaining positions on the Law Society’s Council will open on Wednesday, 28 October 2020. Members eligible to vote will receive an email ballot provided by CorpVote, an independent voting services organisation.
Members will be asked to elect two Vice-Presidents for a one-year term, seven Ordinary Members (six positions for a two-year term and one position for a one-year term) and three Junior Members for a one-year term. Voting will close at 3.00pm WST on Wednesday, 11 November 2020.
Please note: In accordance with Rule 52(a), “a member may nominate for election as President, Vice-President and also as either an ordinary or country or junior member of the Council”. The four candidates who nominated for Vice-President also nominated for Ordinary member positions. Therefore the seven Ordinary positions will be filled from the remaining eight nominees once the Vice-Presidents have been determined.