Family Law Accreditation Advisory Sub-Committee

Family Law Accreditation Advisory Sub-Committee


Elizabeth Hynes


Kimberley Morrison (Deputy Chair)
Denby Kerr
Julia Mansfield
Trevor O’Sullivan 
Paula Wilkinson 

Family Law Accreditation Advisory Sub-Committee

The Family Law Accreditation Advisory Sub-Committee advises the Law Society’s Accreditation Committee on the Family Law Specialist Accreditation Programme adopted by the Law Society Council.   The Committee advises on matters relating to Family Law Specialist Accreditation including but not limited to gaining and maintaining accreditation, the assessment procedures and programme, and the Continuing Legal Education (CLE) required by Accredited Specialists.

Family Law Accredited Specialists practising in Western Australia must be members of the Law Society.

The Law Society also actively participates in the Family Law Specialist Accreditation National Steering Committee. This ensures that all States share information to facilitate a national approach to the assessment of candidates for specialist accreditation. In an assessment year, the National Steering Committee works to promote consistency and uniformity of approach. This includes the Committee working with representatives of the other law societies to review and settle the assessment tasks and marking guides for assessment.

For more information about this committee, please refer to the Committee’s Terms of Reference or email

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